Chris Marone, Current and Past Courses Taught

International School of Physics Enrico Fermi on Mechanics of Earthquake Faulting

Geosc598 Geomechanics Seminar

EME598C/ENGR 597R - Creating University/Industry Collaboration

Geosc040, The Sea Around Us

Geosc508 Mechanics of Earthquakes and Faulting

Earth 540 - Essentials of Oceanography for Educators

Geosc500 Issues in Geosciences

Physical Processes in the Geosciences

Earthquakes; A freshman seminar

Dynamic Testing of Mountaineering Equipment

Physics and Chemistry of the Solid Earth

Analysis of Geophysics Field Data

Field Geophysics

Earthquake Mechanics and Seismic Source Processes

Earthquake Source Physics

Earthquake and Faulting

Earthquake Rupture Processes and Scaling Relations